Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis (SIMS)

university wafer substrates

Wafers Used for SIMS

Clean Silicon (Si) wafers are commonly used for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis (SIMS).

Researchers have also used Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) wafers as samples as standards to calibrate a SIMS system.

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Intro to Secondary ION Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)



What is Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis (SIMS)?

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry or (SIMS) is a technique which uses the interaction between two charged particles in order to create a contrast between them. It can detect the existence of minute amounts of metals such as lead, bismuth, boron, and cobalt. Its key advantage over other techniques is that it can detect not only metals but also some elements that are not metals at all, such as silicon. By using this method the evaluation of the properties of a material can be done for many different compositions over a large range of temperatures and times.

The technique has several applications in various fields. In chemistry, SIMS enables analysis of the concentration of a reaction mixture using the principle of homogenous generation. In applied sciences, it can be used for the study of complex chemical processes and the identification of dissimilar elements. In electronics, it is used to determine the amount of input resistance in solid-state diodes.

The most widely used analytical tool in the field of secondary ion mass spectrometry is the secondary ion mass spectrometer, also known as the Spectrometer System for single-particle and multiple-particle analysis. It comprises two main components: a thin film of silicon on which the sample is deposited, and a mass spectrometer. A spectrometer can also incorporate a secondary ion mass spectrometer for elemental chemical composition analysis.

Because of its excellent detection limits, the primary beam of SIMS can be aimed at areas with high background contribution from other sources. For example, it can be used to evaluate the content of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in industrial wastes or smog. Since the detection limits are high and the background contribution low, the energy consumption is also optimized.

One important technology used in the analysis of gases and liquids is Electron Beam Microscopy or EMG. It is a type of Scanning Transmission Capacitor technology. A thin film of semiconductor material is placed over the electron beam. The size of the semiconductor films depends on various factors such as thickness, surface tension, and dielectric strength. The method of operation is similar to the former but uses smaller area for the analysis of higher bandwidth and higher concentrations of analyte.

One of the most commonly used methods in the evaluation of chemical compounds involves the use of Scanning Fluorescence Microscope (SFM). This instrument uses a light source and produces three colors: red, green, and blue. The instrument uses a combination of four electrodes: the Semiconductor Electrode Collection System (SCCS), a Gallium Arsenide cathode, and a metal lens. The four chemicals are introduced in a solution with a metal lens. A scanner capable of producing three-dimensional images of the sample is then used to generate a cross-section of the semiconductor sample.

Another type of SEM method employed for analysis is the gas sensors. These instruments use electrodialysis and gas sensors. Electrode displacement probes are used in Gas Chromatography while electrophoresis is carried out using electrophoresis probes. Gas sensors and depth resolution spectrometer to produce high quality results. The gas sensors have excellent detection limits and can measure the concentration of thousands of substances.

The third type of instrument for the analysis of volatile materials is the photo-discharge cyclometer. The principle of this machine is based on the absorption of photons by some reactive species present in the sample. The frequency of such cycles is measured as the sum of the light energy required to change the charge of the reactive species. The third type of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry is the Gas Chromatography sensor that utilizes gas sensors to measure the concentration of different components in the sample.